Thursday, August 16, 2007


These were all school assignments

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Stand for Westerdals School of Communication

Every year in norway there is a fair in Oslo where universities get the opportunity to presents themselves to young adults that are looking to attend a school. The task to make the stand that would represent my school, was given to us by the principal of Westerdals. To present our idea we made a computer model and then a paper/ kapa modell. When the idea had been approved approved we built the whole thing from mdf and acrylic plastic.


For TATLER Winter we chose to use the theme " hytte" which means cabin or cottage. This theme was chosen because we thought the clothes would fit really well to that kind of setting and because during that time of year, almost all norwegians go up to the mountain or down by the lake to spend their winter or easter holidays in their cabins.


TATLER is one of Oslo´s finest depertment stores. For the past year they have given us ( studio 3D class of 2007) the task to create the exhibitions in their shopwindows. This exhibition is for the autumn collections and the theme we chose to use was
: "hair rising autumn"... which makes more sense in Norwegian ; " Hårreisende høst".

TATLER ideas

This was an assignment where we had to create ideas for shopwindows for one of Oslos most exclusive department stores called TATLER. The ideas are based on 3 different seasons; winter, spring and autumn. For every drawing we also presented a moodboard to give a better picture of the color ranges and over all look of the shopwindow.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Fresh Paint

Fresh paint was an assignment from a paint store chain, who wanted new and innovative ideas they could use to improve their stores in the future.

ARK bookstore

ARK is one of the biggest bookstore chains in Norway and there is more or less an ARK store in every city in the country. In 2006, they decided that they wanted to focus more on products for children and make the kids department in their stores bigger and a lot more child friendly. To do that they needed new ideas on what they could do to be more appealing to children and their parents.

They asked us to come up with some suggestions for; a new layout and theme/consept for the department, a back to school campaign and campaign uniforms, receipts, membership cards, events and anything else that they could change or improve to make kids more interested in coming to their bookstores. In addition to that they also needed ideas on new uniforms and a new sales counter, which they felt needed some improvment as well.
These are some of the ideas we presented to ARK.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

SKEIDAR Christmas

Skeidar is a well established furniture company in Norway. This is one of the winter season shopwindows in the store, with the theme obviously being christmas. The task was to create an inspiring setting with products from both departments( furniture and decoration ) and of course to put the customers in the holiday spirit. This shopwindow was also featured on the front page of Skeidars christmas campaign catalogue 2006.


The task given by the high profiled interior design company IFI, was to create a clothing line created from their products only. These products include: textiles, wallpaper, paint and small accessories. The line was devided into 4 themes; "british highland", "white on white", "city black" and "asian". The line was then presented as a runway fashion show to promote and introduce IFI´s new collection of products to the elitists of the interior design industry. The fashion show was held at " Gamle Elosjen" in Oslo.

One of the designs was also featured on the cover of IFI´s own magazine; "The colour magazine".

DIN Designers in Norway

DIN is a couture store that only sell garments created by norwegian designers. The store is located in one of Oslo´s finest department stores " Steen & Strøm". These are the stores shopwindows, which also ended up on the front cover of "Steen & Strøm magazine".